Professional Education Without Stress
Education toward further professional development has a selective and elite character, because precondition for qualifying is here student’s musicality (good musical hearing) and the sense of rhythm, our mission is to bring it without stress. On this level teaching is concentrated specifically on developing student’s basic abilities for her/his future artistic performances, and then, gradually, introducing young musicians into the world of more complicated ‘real’ music. Here the teaching is based on the very rich musical tradition accomplished in the last decades by our outstanding musicians and pedagogues.
Musical tradition makes for us the foundation on which we build and develop our new methods in instrumental teaching. We pay also attention to make the educational process both professional and attractive to the students.
The general musical sensitivity does not require especially great efforts in playing instrument at home. In fact, it is a kind of a joyful musical adventure.
Unisono Music Academy invites to and offers instrumental musical education and education in solo vocal singing both for children and adult enthusiasts of music, who by exercising good music want to free themselves from the turmoil and hectic of their daily life and submerge into the harmonious world of beautiful sounds. Our great composer, Fryderyk Chopin once said that there where words come to their limits begins music.
Scientific research proves benefits of music tuition
Researches made by American sociologists and psychologists confirmed the thesis that intensive instrumental playing has beneficial influence on children’s psychological development. These researches proved beyond any doubt that adults who in their childhood practiced music, have greater capacity of concentration and are more resistant against stress. They also are better capable of defining their goals and show greater consistency in their strivings.
It doesn’t matter so much what instrument you play – be it guitar, violin, piano or flute – what really matters is the playing itself which develops the capacity of our brain. We incorporate the years long of experience in music tuition to help people grow in multiple directions, it is part of our mission.
Scientists from the Northwestern University (USA) analyzed the influence of musical training on human speech, capacity of memory, attention and expression of emotions. Results of their findings can be found in “Nature Reviews Neuroscience” magazine. Their analyzes clearly show that connections between neurons which occur during musical training make our brain more effective. Our brain cannot put together and analyze all stimuli which overflow it at the same time – so it must select them and choose only those which are the most important, says Nina Kraus who led this project at the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory at Northwestern University.
Nina Kraus and Bharath Chandrasekaran, “Nature Review Neuroscience” 11, 599-605 (August 2010).
Abstract from the above:
“The effects of music training in relation to brain plasticity have caused excitement, evident from the popularity of books on this topic among scientists and the general public. Neuroscience research has shown that music training leads to changes throughout the auditory system that prime musicians for listening challenges beyond music processing. This effect of music training suggests that, akin to physical exercise and its impact on body fitness, music is a resource that tones the brain for auditory fitness. Therefore, the role of music in shaping individual development deserves consideration”.
Playing musical instrument is a perfect training for our brain cells because musicians must read and remember musical notes and at the same time play correctly the melody, keep the right rhythm and coordinate their playing with other performers. This makes them more apt to identify and select informations from the surrounding background better than persons who have no such experience. It shows, that this ability also influences other cognitive functions, like learning, and especially learning languages, memory and neuro-plasticity in many brain areas.
The uniqueness of the Unisono Music Academy can be summarized in two aspects:
- It employs a group of music virtuosos and pedagogues who both have outstanding artistic and teaching experience. And, last but not least, they all have positive attitude and love working with students of music.
- Students have the opportunity to frequently present their artistic achievements to the general public in a concert hall. These public performances stimulate their concentration and contribute to greater efforts in preparing new programs which bring them joy and satisfaction.
Our music school in Warsaw is jointly created by its teachers and students – by their efforts, achievements and joy of common passion for music. Our mission is to bring joy to wonderful music journey.
Approachable music learning is our mission. We aim to remove barriers to music and make it available to everyone. We specialise in providing a range of resources for musicians, teachers and learners of all ages and abilities. Our music school takes great care in individual lessons and is currently the only music school in the Warsaw, Poland who is official partner of Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
Whether you want to learn a new instrument or teach yourself how to play the piano you will find what you are looking for. Our music school is unique in that it offers a wide range of activities for people of all ages. erapist on staff and we can offer sessions for people of all abilities.
We are passionate about helping people to learn music and we do this by offering a wide range of resources. We have a great selection of books, sheet music, downloads and CDs to help you learn. Our music school has a large range of music books for all instruments. We also have a great selection of musical instruments to buy including guitars, violins, pianos, drums and brass instruments. We currently have a range of music from all genres including pop, jazz, folk and classical.
Long lasting Effects Of Music Tuition
Music training impacts not only the auditory domain, but also other cognitive domains including motor skills and language. One of the reasons for music’s ability to affect a wide range of cognitive systems is that it recruits a variety of brain areas, which are linked to these domains.
Linking music to motor performance has been observed across many cultures. Music training has been shown to improve general neural functioning, such as better attention span and improved, faster information processing. In addition to improving neural functioning in children with ADHD, music training also helps improve IQ scores and reading skills. The effect of musical training on language development is one of the most researched topics in the field of music and neuroscience. Music training can impact both verbal and non-verbal aspects of language functioning (e.g., articulation) through its influence on both auditory processing and motor control systems, as well as through effects on memory systems involved in learning new information (e.g., verbal working memory).
For example, children who received keyboard instruction scored higher than their peers on vocabulary tests. This was attributed to improvements in verbal working memory that were brought about by their musical training. Moreover, preschoolers who received keyboard instruction showed improvement on phonological awareness tasks particularly related to speech sound discrimination; this was attributed to enhanced auditory working memory capacity that was brought about by their musical training.
Here is out Mission Manifest.
The old saying goes that you can buy good food and you can buy cheap food, but there is nothing like a good cheap food. This is far more true in musical education, that does not sell ‘goods’ of any kind but offers the years of expertise, experience and excellence of tutors.
In education in general (and in music education in particular) quality is as important as quantity. By all means, undertaking regular tuition on a regular basis is important. Weekly or, preferably, twice-weekly basis is essential. The crucial thing, however, is to have contact with the qualified tutor.
As an official partner of The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (and we are the sole music school in Masovian Vovivodship partnered with ABRSM). We employ the best teachers. We do not base our tuition on music students desperately seeking to fill gaps in their pockets by offering cheap lessons. – (waiting at the restaurant’s table being an alternative).
Focus on the best staff – our mission manifest
Our staff consists of experienced teachers, who are entitled to teach at all levels of musical education. Masters who are all active professionals as musicians and organizers of musical life in Poland and abroad. Our Teachers often appear on the concert stage and eager to show good example to their pupils. As a little proof of the latter statement let me underline that we will organize this concert season no less than two concerts of our Teachers who would play for our students (and of course for any listener willing to attend). Mission manifest of Unisono Music Academy is to provide the best tuition in Poland. We can accomplish this by looking at whole tuition process, not only one lesson.
In short, our Teachers offer much more than simple tuition. They offer their lifelong experience and personal insight into music matters. This, in fact, is something one cannot simply buy.
Unisono Music Academy offers all the needed to get into the wonderful music world.